Best Tips To Improve TOEFL Scores
  • Thu, May 23, 2019
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Best Tips To Improve TOEFL Scores

Best Tips To Improve TOEFL Scores

Tips To Improve TOEFL Scores

The people at the test center will be nice; You will have the opportunity to chat with each other, a little bit before going to the exam.

Reading: Within an hour, You had to read three texts of 700 words and answer 42 questions. Time-management, here, plays a major role. The questions are not direct, they are detailed and complicated. The best strategy is going question-by-question and reading only that part of the text which helps for the answer. While preparing for the reading part, get used to reading fast and make some guesses when not sure, then it’ll not be a problem.You can score a nice 30/30.

Listening: You can think that this section would be the easiest, but as always, the reality is opposite to your expectations! You have to stay alert. You need to memorize and make inferences between what has been said. You are probably allowed to make some mistakes. You can guess a lot too, but you can get scored 28/30.

Speaking: You can really get disappointed with your performance in the listening section. Maybe this is the reason you may start speaking so badly. Made many pauses in between and used the wrong words. My advice for you is: Practice a lot for this section. However, this part may not be challenging, but you should be habituated to the test format.

Writing: You have some freedom here. Write as much as you can without worrying about the mistakes. I’m sure you can make many, but you can write 400 words in the first and 500 in the second essay. While practicing, the number of words will not cross 800 (including two essays). I guess when everyone around you is hitting on the keyboard, it motivates you. You can score: 30/30.

Use the official guide to practice, which is enough for the Reading and Listening sections. For the speaking part, I advise you to watch some videos on Youtube. There is no need for preparing for the Writing part, just write the essays with confidence.

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